
On this page the estimation process of the ruspy package is documented. The structure is the following: The first part documents in detail which format is required on the input data and how you can easily access this for the original data. Then we explain how the initialization dictionary specified, before explaining the different estimation steps and methods.

The input data

The estimation package works with a pandas.DataFrame as input. Each observation in the DataFrame has to be indexed by the “Bus_ID” and the “period” of observation. These two identifiers have to be combined by the pandas.MultiIndex. Furthermore the DataFrame has to include the following information as columns:




Discretized mileage state of the bus.


Containing 0 for decision of maintenance and 1 for replacement.


Last month mileage usage as discretized state increase.

If you want to replicate Rust (1987) you can download the raw data from John Rust`s website and prepare it yourself it the desired manner. Or you can use the functions in zurcher-data which are provided by the OpenSourceEconomics community and tailored to the ruspy package.

The estimation process

The estimation process is not directly implemented in ruspy. The package only contains the likelihood functions and in case of MPEC also the constraints. For the (minimization) maximization of the (negative) loglikelihood function, an external optimization library has to be used. Hence ruspy is a so called model package. OpenSourceEconomics offers several of these model packages, all for different models. More information can be found on our homepage. The central function to get the criterion function, it’s derivative and if applicable the constraint is the get_criterion_function function. It’s source code can be found here:

get_criterion_function(init_dict, df)

This function specifies the criterion function with its derivative, transition probabilites (for NXFP and MPEC) as well as the contraint function with its derivative (for MPEC).

The returns of the function will be explained below. First, the second input besides the input data The input data, the initialization dictionary is documented:

Estimation initialization dictionary

The initialization dictionary contains model, method and optional algorithmic specific information. The information on theses three categories is are saved under the dictionary keys method, model_specifications and alg_details. The keys method and model_specifications are mandatory. In the following the entries saved under the three keys is explained

Under the key model_specifications a subdictionary has to be provided, with the following mandatory keys:

  • discount_factor : (float) The discount factor. See Discount factor for details.

  • num_states : (int) The size of the state space as integer.

  • maint_cost_func : (string) Name of the cost function. See Maintenance cost function for details.

  • cost_scale : (float) The scale for the maintenance costs. See Scale for details.

Under the key method the method of estimation has to be specified as a (string): Ruspy supports the following keys: “NFXP”, “NFXP_BHHH” or “MPEC”.

If “NFXP” or “NFXP_BHHH” are chosen as method, then the additional subdictionairy alg_details can be used to specify options for the fixed point algorithm. See Algorithmic details for the possible keys and the default values.

Before explaining the cost parameter estimation with the likelihood function from get_criterion_function, the transition probability estimation is documented. This estimation can be completely separated from the cost parameter estimation.

Transition probability estimation

The functions for estimating the transition probabilities can be found in estimation.estimation_transitions. The main function, which coordinates this process is:


Estimating the transition proabilities.

So far, there is only the pooled transition estimation from Rust (1987) implemented. The function filters missing values from the usage data from the DataFrame and then counts, how often each increase occurs. With this transition count the log-likelihood function for the transition estimation can be constructed. Note that this is the log-likelihood function of a multinomial distribution:

\[\begin{align} l^1 = - \sum a_i \log(p_i) \end{align}\]

where \(a_i\) is the number of occurrences for an increase by \(i\) states and \(p_i\) their probability. Note that the minus is introduced, such that a maximization of the likelihood corresponds to a minimization of this function. The corresponding function in the code is:

loglike_trans(trans_dist, transition_count)

Sum the individual negative log-likelihood.

The estimate_transitions function does not minimize loglike_trans directly. Instead ruspy uses the formula for estimating a multinomial distribution and then calculates the likelihood value from the estimate. Therefore we don’t provide standard errors of the transitions probabilities at the moment.

The collected results of the transition estimation are collected in a dictionary described below and returned to the function get_criterion_function in which then the respective criterion function for the cost parameter estimation is specified. The transition result is also returned as the second output from get_criterion_function.

Transition results

The dictionary containing the transition estimation results has the following keys:

  • fun : (numpy.float) Log-likelihood of transition estimation.

  • x : (numpy.array) Estimated transition probabilities.

  • trans_count : (numpy.array) Counted state increases for each array index.

So far only a pooled estimation of the transitions is possible. Hence, ruspy uses the estimated probabilities to construct a transition matrix with the same nonzero probabilities in each row. This function is:

create_transition_matrix(num_states, trans_prob)

Creating the transition matrix with the assumption, that in every row the state increases have the same probability.

The transition matrix is then used for the cost parameter estimation irrespective of using NFXP or MPEC.

Cost parameter estimation

The cost parameters are now estimated differently for NFXP, NFXP_BHHH and MPEC. get_criterion_function returns independet of the specified method two objects. A dictionary of functions and the transition results. Only the keys and the functions in the function dictionary are different by each method and described below. Note, that all inputs are fixed for the functions in function dictionary dependent on the specifications given in the initialization dictionary and the functions only take the cost parameters as only input.


The cost parameters for the NFXP are estimated by minimizing the negative log-likelihood. The criterion function as well as its analytical derivative are returned by the function get_criterion_function in a dictonary with keys “criterion_function” and “criterion_derivative”. Their source code can be found in ruspy.estimation.nfxp:

loglike_cost_params(params, maint_func, ...)

sums the individual negative log likelihood contributions for algorithms such as the L-BFGS-B.

derivative_loglike_cost_params(params, ...)

sums up the Jacobian to obtain the gradient of the negative log likelihood function needed for algorithm such as the L-BFGS-B.

The minimization of the criterion function is not directly implemented in the ruspy package, so an minimization routine is needed. In the provided tutorials, we use the minimize function from the estimagic library. Beside the criterion function and its derivative, an algorithm used for optimization has to be entered and a first guess of the cost params can be provided as inputs of the minimize function. Note, again that only the cost parameters are needed in the minimization, as all other inputs of the functions are fixed. Depending on the form of the cost functions, the params argument is a vector of length num_params, i.e. if we specify a linear cost function in the initialization dictionary, there are two cost parameters, which are \(RC\) and \(\theta_1\), respectively. For any other cost function see ref:cost_func.

In the minimization procedure the optimizer calls the likelihood functions and its derivative with different cost parameters. Together with the constant held arguments, the expected value is calculated by fixed point algorithm. Double calculation of the same fixed point is avoided by the following function:

get_ev(params, trans_mat, obs_costs, ...)

A auxiliary function, which allows the log-likelihood function as well as its derivative to share the same fixed point and to avoid the need to execute the computation double.


The cost parameter estimation for “NFXP_BHHH” is similar to the one for “NFXP” by using the individual log likelihood contributions of a bus at each time period. The criterion function as well as its analytical derivative are returned by the function get_criterion_function in a dictonary with keys “criterion_function” and “criterion_derivative”. Their source code can also be found in ruspy.estimation.nfxp:

loglike_cost_params_individual(params, ...)

This is the individual logliklihood function for the estimation of the cost parameters needed for the BHHH optimizer.


This is the Jacobian of the individual log likelihood function of the cost parameter estimation with respect to all cost parameters needed for the BHHH.

The BHHH is a quasi-Newton method, which uses the individual likelihood contributions instead of their sum. You can find a BHHH implementation in the overview of estimagic algorithms. Everything else is the same as in the NFXP implementation using the sum of the likelihood contributions.


In the case of MPEC there the expected value fixed point is not calculated for a set of cost parameters and instead the fixed point mapping is implemented as a constraint. We provide besides the criterion function and its derivative, also the constraint and its derivative via the get_criterion_function. They are returned in a dictionary of functions with keys “criterion_function”, “criterion_derivative”, “constraint” and “constraint_derivative”. The source code of the four functions can be found in ruspy.estimation.mpec:

mpec_loglike_cost_params(mpec_params, ...)

Calculate the negative partial log likelihood for MPEC depending on cost parameters as well as the discretized expected values.


Computing the analytical gradient of the objective function for MPEC.

mpec_constraint(mpec_params, maint_func, ...)

Calculate the constraint of MPEC.

mpec_constraint_derivative(mpec_params, ...)

Calculating the analytical Jacobian of the MPEC constraint.

For estimating the model, one can use the optimizers for non-linear constraint optimizers implemented in estimagic. The minimize function of estimagic takes the criterion function, its derivative, the constraint function and its derivative as inputs. The constraint can be given to the minimize function via a dictionairy under the argument constraint (see constraint argument) Note that the starting values params for MPEC consist of the cost parameters and starting values for the \(EV\) fixed point. The array has therefore a length of \(num\_states + num\_params\).

Imagine the grid size is 90 and we have linear cost which means there are two cost parameters. Then the first 90 values are the starting values for the expected values in order of increasing state. The last two elements are \(RC\) and \(\theta_1\), respectively.

Auxiliary objects

State matrix

A \(num\_obs \times num\_states\) dimensional bool numpy.array containing a single TRUE in each row at the column in which the bus was in that observation. It is used in the matrix multiplication of the likelihood function. It is created by

create_state_matrix(states, num_states)

This function constructs a auxiliary matrix for the log-likelihood of the cost parameters.

Decision Matrix

A \(num\_obs \times 2\) dimensional numpy array containing 1 in the first row for maintaining and 1 in the second for replacement. It is used in the matrix multiplication of the likelihood function.


In the tutorials are two demonstration jupyter notebooks of the cost estimation process. The replication notebook allows to easily experiment with the methods described here as well as the implied demand function. The notebook can also be downloaded from the tutorials folder of the repository. If you have have everything setup, then it should be easy to run it. For a more advanced set up have a look at the replication of Iskhakov et al. (2016).