
Here the estimation process of the ruspy package is documented. The structure is the following: The first part documents in detail which format is required on the input data and how you can easily access this for the original data. Then the estimation process is documented and an introduction to the demonstration notebooks closes this part. Throughout this part, there are references to the functions in the ruspy package and in the end a summary of all APIs.

The input data

The estimation package works with a pandas.DataFrame as input. Each observation in the DataFrame has to be indexed by the “Bus_ID” and the “period” of observation. These two identifiers have to be combined by the pandas.MultiIndex. Furthermore the DataFrame has to include the following information as columns:




Discretized mileage state of the bus


Containing 0 for decision of maintenance and 1 for replacement


Last month mileage usage as discretized state increase

If you want to replicate Rust (1987) you can download the raw data from John Rust`s website and prepare it yourself it the desired manner. Or you can use the functions in zurcher-data which are provided by the OpenSourceEconomics community and tailored to the ruspy package. In the demonstration section these functions are used to replicate the results documented.

The estimation function

The estimation process is coordinated by the function estimate:

estimate(init_dict, df)

Estimation function of ruspy.

Besides the The input data, the function needs the following initialization dictionary init_dict:

Estimation initialization dictionary

The initialization dictionary contains model, optimizer and algorithmic specific information. The information on theses three categories is saved in subdictionaries under the keys model_specifications, optimizer and alg_details. The model specific information as well as the optimizer key are mandatory. The options differ depending on whether NFXP or MPEC are chosen as estimation procedure. The following inputs for the model_specifications are mandatory for both estimation approaches:

discount_factor : (float) The discount factor. See Discount factor for details.

number_states : (int) The size of the state space as integer.

maint_cost_func : (string) The name of the maintenance cost function. See Maintenance cost function for details.

cost_scale : (float) The scale for the maintenance costs. See Scale for details.

In the subdictionary optimizer at least the following has to be specified:

approach : (string) The general approach chosen which is either “NFXP” or “MPEC”.

algorithm : (string) The name of the optimization algorithm used to estimate the model with one of the above approaches. More details below as the selection is specific to the general approach.

Optionally, irrespective of the approach chosen, one can specify the following:

gradient : (string) (optional) Information on whether to use analytical or numerical gradients. Enter “Yes” for analytical and “No” or numerical gradients. Default is “Yes”.

As the optimization problem in the NFXP and MPEC are quite different, also in the init_dict many different options are available depending on the approach.


In the optimizer subdictionary the following options are implemented:

algorithm : (string) The algorithms available are those that are offered by estimagic. Here, only one the names of one of those has to be entered.

params : (pd.DataFrame) (optional) The first guess of the cost parameter vector can be supplied. This has to be done according to the conventions of estimagic.

In general any argument that can be chosen in the estimagic function minimize can be passed in as a key in the optimizer subdictionary. For example one could specify the key “logging” and specify the name of the logging database (“logging_nfxp.db”). For performance reasons the logging in ruspy is switched off if not specified differently. Only the arguments criterion, criterion_kwargs, gradient and gradient_kwargs cannot be set by the user.

Additionally, the subdictionairy alg_details can be used to specify options for the fixed point algorithm. See Algorithmic details for the possible keys and the default values.


The optimizer subdictionary can contain the following:

algorithm : (string) The constrained optimization algorithm chosen which can handle nonlinear equality constraints. So far, there is the option to use IPOPT by specifying “ipopt”. For this cyipopt is built on which uses the interface of scipy . If you want to add extra options to the optimizer then you can do so by e.g. adding a key “options” which is itself a dictionairy as requested by the scipy interface. The arguments fun, x0, bounds, jac and constraints cannot be specified. As a second option one can use NLOPT by specifying the specific algorithm from the following list without the prefix “NLOPT”, i.e. for example “LD_SLSQP” is a valid choice. Again, one can pass in extra options to the algorithm. The options available can be found here. The options are passed in by their name without the prefix “opt.”, i.e. a key could be for instance “set_lower_bounds” and the value is a numpy array specifying the lower bound. What cannot be used are set_min_objective and add_equality_mconstraint.

params : (numpy.array) The starting values for MPEC consist of the cost parameters and the discretized expected values. The array has therefore a length of num_states plus num_params. Imagine the grid size is 90 and we have linear cost which means there are two cost parameters. Then the first 90 values are the starting values for the expected values in order of increasing state. The last two elements are \(RC\) and \(\theta_1\), respectively.

There is one special case regarding the interface for IPOPT. If you want to specify bounds for IPOPT then use also the notation of NLOPT as outlined above.

For further details see the selection function itself:

select_optimizer_options(init_dict, …)

Creating the options for estimagic, ipopt and nlopt.

For both NFXP and MPEC, following the separability of the estimation process the estimate function first calls the estimation function for the transition probabilities.

Transition probability estimation

The functions for estimating the transition probabilities can be found in estimation.estimation_transitions. The main function, which coordinates this process is:


Estimating the transition proabilities.

So far, there is only the pooled transition estimation from Rust (1987) implemented. The function filters missing values from the usage data from the DataFrame and then counts, how often each increase occurs. With this transition count the log-likelihood function for the transition estimation can be constructed. Note that this is the log-likelihood function of a multinomial distribution:

\[\begin{align} l^1 = - \sum a_i \log(p_i) \end{align}\]

where \(a_i\) is the number of occurrences for an increase by \(i\) states and \(p_i\) their probability. Note that the minus is introduced, such that a maximization of the likelihood corresponds to a minimization of this function. The corresponding function in the code is:

loglike_trans_individual(params, …)

Individual negative Log-likelihood function of transition probability estimation.

The estimate_transitions function minimizes now the loglike_trans_individual function by calling the BHHH of estimagic. The transition probabilities need to add up to 1 and have to be positive which is conveniently implemented in estimagic using the constraints argument.

The collected results of the transition estimation are collected in a dictionary descibed below and returned to the estimate function in which then the cost parameters are estimated using either NFXP or MPEC.

Transition results

The dictionary containing the transition estimation results has the following keys:

fun : (numpy.float) Log-likelihood of transition estimation.

x : (numpy.array) Estimated transition probabilities.

So far only a pooled estimation of the transitions is possible. Hence, ruspy uses the estimated probabilities to construct a transition matrix with the same nonzero probabilities in each row. This function is:

create_transition_matrix(num_states, trans_prob)

Creating the transition matrix with the assumption, that in every row the state increases have the same probability.

The transition matrix is then used for the cost parameter estimation irrespective of using NFXP or MPEC.

Cost parameter estimation

The cost parameters are now estimated differently for NFXP and MPEC.


The cost parameters for the NFXP are estimated directly by minimizing the log-likelihood the minimize function from the estimagic library. The objective function as well as its analytical derivative can be found in ruspy.estimation.est_cost_params:

loglike_cost_params_individual(params, …)

This is the individual logliklihood function for the estimation of the cost parameters needed for the BHHH optimizer.


This is the Jacobian of the individual log likelihood function of the cost parameter estimation with respect to all cost parameters needed for the BHHH.

loglike_cost_params(params, maint_func, …)

sums the individual negative log likelihood contributions for algorithms such as the L-BFGS-B.

derivative_loglike_cost_params(params, …)

sums up the Jacobian to obtain the gradient of the negative log likelihood function needed for algorithm such as the L-BFGS-B.

As estimagic offers to use an implementation of the BHHH also used by Rust (1987) the first two functions above are needed. They work with the individual log likelihood contributions of a bus at each time period. The two lower functions are needed for other algorithms such as the L-BFGS-B provided by estimagic. For this the previous functions are summed up to obtain to latter ones. The selection of the correct functions is done by ruspy automatically depending on your choice of algorithm.

In the minimization proedure the optimizer calls the likelihood functions and its derivative with different cost parameters. Together with the constant held arguments, the expected value is calculated by fixed point algorithm. Double calculation of the same fixed point is avoided by the following function:

get_ev(params, trans_mat, obs_costs, …)

A auxiliary function, which allows the log-likelihood function as well as its derivative to share the same fixed point and to avoid the need to execute the computation double.


In the case of MPEC there is no need to calculate the fixed point via the function get_ev but rather a constraint to the likelihood function with the contraction mapping has to be specified. The functions needed for MPEC are hence the four below being the log likelihood function that is now also dependent on \(EV\), the constraints as well as the analytical derivatives of the two.

mpec_loglike_cost_params(maint_func, …)

Calculate the negative partial log likelihood for MPEC depending on cost parameters as well as the discretized expected values.


Computing the analytical gradient of the objective function for MPEC.

mpec_constraint(maint_func, maint_func_dev, …)

Calulate the constraint of MPEC.

mpec_constraint_derivative(maint_func, …)

Calculating the analytical Jacobian of the MPEC constraint.

For both NFXP and MPEC some of the results from the estimators estimagic, ipopt and nlopt are passed on to the user. The results are presented below.

Cost parameters results

Again there are slight differences for NFXP and MPEC. The dictionary containing the cost parameter results has the following keys for both NFXP and MPEC:

fun : (numpy.float) Log-likelihood of the cost parameter estimation.

x : (numpy.array) Estimated cost parameters and in the case of MPEC also the estimated expected values.

status : (bool) Evaluates to True if the optimizer converged and False if not.

n_iterations : (int) Gives out the number of iterations needed by the algorithm.

n_evaluations : (int) Gives out the number of function evaluations needed by the algorithm.

time : (float) Indicates the time needed by the optimizer to obtain the final cost parameter estimates.

For the NFXP there are also the following keys:

jac : (numpy.array) The value of the estimates’ jacobian.

message : (string) The convergence message of estimagic.

n_contraction_steps : (int) The number of contraction iterations needed in total during the optimization to calculate the fixed points.

n_newt_kant_steps : (int) The number of Newton-Kantorovich iterations needed in total during the optimization to calculate the fixed points.

When using IPOPT for MPEC the following key is included:

n_evaluations_total : (int) The number of total function evaluations needed which is also including function evaluations made to approximate the derivatives of the log likelihood function and the constraints.

The function estimate calls some sub functions depending on whether NFXP, MPEC with IPOPT or MPEC with NLOPT is selected. Those functions can be inspected below:

estimate_nfxp(disc_fac, num_states, …)

Estimation function for the nested fixed point algorithm in ruspy.

estimate_mpec_ipopt(disc_fac, num_states, …)

Estimation function of Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC) in ruspy.

estimate_mpec_nlopt(disc_fac, num_states, …)

Estimation function of Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC) in ruspy.

Auxiliary objects

State matrix

A \(num\_obs \times num\_states\) dimensional bool numpy.array containing a single TRUE in each row at the column in which the bus was in that observation. It is used in the matrix multiplication of the likelihood function. It is created by

create_state_matrix(states, num_states)

This function constructs a auxiliary matrix for the log-likelihood of the cost parameters.

Decision Matrix

A \(num\_obs \times 2\) dimensional numpy array containing 1 in the first row for maintaining and 1 in the second for replacement. It is used in the matrix multiplication of the likelihood function.


In the promotion folder of the repository are two demonstration jupyter notebooks. The replication notebook allows to easily experiment with the methods described here as well as the implied demand function. If you have have everything setup, then it should be easy to run it. For a more advanced set up have a look at the replication of Iskhakov et al. (2016).