Source code for ruspy.model_code.fix_point_alg

import numpy as np

from ruspy.model_code.choice_probabilities import choice_prob_gumbel

[docs]def calc_fixp( trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac, threshold=1e-12, switch_tol=1e-3, max_contr_steps=20, max_newt_kant_steps=20, ): """ Calculating the expected value of maintenance fixed point with the polyalgorithm proposed by Rust (1987) and Rust (2000). Parameters ---------- trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` obs_costs : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`costs` disc_fac : numpy.float see :ref:`disc_fac` threshold : numpy.float see :ref:`alg_details` switch_tol : numpy.float see :ref:`alg_details` max_contr_steps : int see :ref:`alg_details` max_newt_kant_steps : int see :ref:`alg_details` Returns ------- ev_new : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` contr_step_count : int shows the amount of contraction iterations needed to find the fixed point. newt_kant_step_count : int shows the amount of Newton-Kantorovich iterations needed to find the fixed point. """ contr_step_count = 0 newt_kant_step_count = 0 ev_new =, np.log(np.sum(np.exp(-obs_costs), axis=1))) converge_crit = threshold + 1 # Make sure that the loop starts while converge_crit > threshold: while converge_crit > switch_tol and contr_step_count < max_contr_steps: ev = ev_new ev_new = contraction_iteration(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac) contr_step_count += 1 converge_crit = np.max(np.abs(ev_new - ev)) ev = ev_new ev_new = kantorovich_step(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac) newt_kant_step_count += 1 if newt_kant_step_count >= max_newt_kant_steps: break converge_crit = np.max( np.abs(ev - contraction_iteration(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac)) ) return ev_new, contr_step_count, newt_kant_step_count
[docs]def contraction_iteration(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac): """ Calculating one iteration of the contraction mapping. Parameters ---------- ev : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` obs_costs : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`costs` disc_fac : numpy.float see :ref:`disc_fac` Returns ------- ev_new : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` """ maint_value = disc_fac * ev - obs_costs[:, 0] repl_value = disc_fac * ev[0] - obs_costs[0, 1] - obs_costs[0, 0] # Select the minimal absolute value to rescale the value vector for the # exponential function. ev_max = np.max(np.array(maint_value, repl_value)) log_sum = ev_max + np.log( np.exp(maint_value - ev_max) + np.exp(repl_value - ev_max) ) ev_new =, log_sum) return ev_new
[docs]def kantorovich_step(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac): """ Calculating one Newton-Kantorovich step for approximating the fix-point. Parameters ---------- ev : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` obs_costs : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`costs` disc_fac : numpy.float see :ref:`disc_fac` Returns ------- ev_new : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` """ iteration_step = contraction_iteration(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac) ev_diff = solve_equ_system_fixp( ev - iteration_step, ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac ) ev_new = ev - ev_diff return ev_new
[docs]def solve_equ_system_fixp(fixp_vector, ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac): """ Solving the multiple used equation system, deviated from the implicit function theorem Parameters ---------- fixp_vector: numpy.ndarray A state space sized containing the right hand side of the euqation. ev : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` obs_costs : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`costs` disc_fac : numpy.float see :ref:`disc_fac` Returns ------- sol : numpy.ndarray The state space sized solution of the equation. """ num_states = ev.shape[0] t_prime = frechnet_dev(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac) sol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.eye(num_states) - t_prime, fixp_vector, rcond=None)[0] return sol
[docs]def frechnet_dev(ev, trans_mat, obs_costs, disc_fac): """ Calculating the Frechnet derivative of the contraction mapping. Parameters ---------- ev : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`ev` trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` obs_costs : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`costs` disc_fac : numpy.float see :ref:`disc_fac` Returns ------- t_prime : numpy.ndarray A num_states x num_states matrix containing the frechnet derivative of the contraction mapping. For details see Rust (2000). """ choice_probs = choice_prob_gumbel(ev, obs_costs, disc_fac) t_prime_pre = trans_mat[:, 1:] * choice_probs[1:, 0] t_prime = disc_fac * np.column_stack((1 - np.sum(t_prime_pre, axis=1), t_prime_pre)) return t_prime
[docs]def contr_op_dev_wrt_params(trans_mat, maint_choice_prob, cost_dev): """ Calculating the derivative of the contraction mapping with respect to one particular maintenance cost parameter. Parameters ---------- trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` maint_choice_prob : numpy.ndarray A num_states sized one dimensional numpy array containing the derivative of the maintenance cost function with respect to one particular parameter. cost_dev : numpy.ndarray A num_states sized one dimensional numpy array containing the derivative of the maintenance cost function with respect to one particular parameter. Returns ------- dev : numpy.ndarray A num_states sized one dimensional numpy array containing the derivative of the contraction mapping with respect to one particular maintenance cost parameter. """ dev =, np.multiply(-cost_dev, maint_choice_prob)) return dev
[docs]def contr_op_dev_wrt_rc(trans_mat, maint_choice_prob): """ Calculating the derivative of the contraction mapping with respect to the replacement costs Parameters ---------- trans_mat : numpy.ndarray see :ref:`trans_mat` maint_choice_prob : numpy.ndarray A num_states sized one dimensional numpy array containing the derivative of the maintenance cost function for one particular parameter. Returns ------- dev : numpy.ndarray A num_states sized one dimensional numpy array containing the derivative of the contraction mapping with respect to the replacement cost parameter. """ dev =, maint_choice_prob - 1) return dev